2021 Annual Meeting
(628c) A 3D Hydrogel Culture System to Determine Impacts of Biomaterial Stiffness and Topographical Cues on Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cell Viability, Growth and Differentiation
Materials and Methods: Polyethylene glycol (PEG) was functionalized with methacrylate groups to allow for radical-mediated photo-crosslinking. Similarly, hyaluronic acid (HA) was functionalized with norbornene groups to allow radical-mediated crosslinking in the presence of a dithiol crosslinker. On stage crosslinking was used to determine the UV-initiated changes in shear rheology of both Nanoindentation was used to measure the local elastic moduli directly atop fibers encapsulated in 1.5% NorHA gels as compared to elastic moduli of the gel alone.
Results and Discussion: PEG-DM gels demonstrated storage moduli of 72 Pa (6 wt%), 779 Pa (7.5 wt%), and 5807 Pa (10 wt%), indicating that higher weight percentages of polymer correspond to greater storage moduli. Similarly, NorHA gels demonstrated storage moduli of 341 Pa (1 wt%), 1395 Pa (1.5 wt%), and 3105 Pa (2 wt%). Preliminary nanoindentation measurements suggest that elastic moduli near encapsulated electrospun fibers (1324 Pa) may be greater than elastic modulus of 1.5% NorHA alone (1207 Pa). ATP and DNA concentrations of encapsulated OPCs increased for all stiffness conditions over a seven-day period. Encapsulated OPCs remain viable and extend processes in the presence of electrospun fibers. data suggests that OPCs co-encapsulated with fibers exhibit an increased number of process extensions compared to OPCs within gels that do not contain fibers.
Conclusions and Implications: Hydrogels composed of 6-10 wt% PEG-DM and 1-2 wt% NorHA demonstrate a range of storage moduli comparable to native brain tissue. Encapsulated OPCs grow and proliferate in PEG-DM gels at all tested stiffness conditions over a seven-day time period. OPCs retain viability in the presence of electrospun MeHA fibers, and more process extension is observed in fiber-containing gels as compared to no-fiber controls.
Acknowledgements: UVA Deanâs Fellowship to RAM; NSF CMMI-1904198.
References: 1. LN Russell, KJ Lampe, ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering, 3, 3459â3468 (2017).
2: S Lee, MK Leach, SA Redmond, SYC Chong, SH Mellon, SJ Tuck, ZQ Feng, JM Corey, JR Chan, Nature Methods, 9, 917-922 (2012).