2021 Annual Meeting

(620d) Systematic Screening of Materials for Consumer Products Using Semantically Enabled LCA


Kokosis, A. - Presenter, National Technical University of Athens
Mihalopoulos, C., National Technical University of Athens
Lykokanellos, F., National Technical University of Athens, Greece
In the European Union, the manufacture and use of chemical substances as well as produced and imported goods must comply with a comprehensive legislative framework (e.g. REACH, RoHS). The main focus of this legislation is the protection of human health and the environment that can be posed by chemicals. Thus, substances can be restricted or banned if they are characterized as hazardous. The manufacture of consumer products, such as home appliances, is a complicated process involving a wide range of materials and chemicals. Health and environmental impacts of such processes should be evaluated, monitored and adjusted to the lowest achievable level taking into account the legislative framework and the competitiveness of the industry.

The LIFE MATHER Platform, developed in the context of the LIFE MATHER Project, constitutes a new chemical monitoring data platform that integrates corporate data (materials, chemicals, manufacturing process) with health and environmental data in order to evaluate possible alternative materials according to existing and/or upcoming legislation. The principles of LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) are applied, thus building a rich inventory regarding consumer products (home appliances) with detailed data flows: items of the appliance (Bill of Materials, BoM), construction of materials (Full Material Disclosure, FMD) and manufacturing data (energy, electricity etc.). The inventory is enriched with open and commercial LCA databases (e.g. Ecoinvent).

The LIFE MATHER Platform conceptualizes health and environmental aspects using knowledge models, enables reasoning by employing semantics and ontologies, builds properties and its automated technology enables high-throughput screening and analysis. It is prepared to manage large volumes of data streams as may be available from customers or external providers in general. The substitution of chemicals in existing products leads to “new products” (green products) ahead of design and new product features emerge. It is noteworthy that the approach is generalized, thus enabling the incorporation of other classes of appliances, while the challenge lies with the inclusion of processes beyond appliances.

The authors acknowledge financial support by the H2020-EU.1.3.3. Grant RENESENG II (H2020-778332).