2021 Annual Meeting
(614a) OASIS-P: Operable Adaptive Sparse Identification of Systems for Fault Prognosis of Chemical Processing System
In this work, we propose a fault prognosis framework named âOASIS-Pâ that utilizes operable adaptive sparse identification of systems (OASIS) [4] and two-level contribution plots [5] to perform fault prediction and isolation, respectively. The OASIS algorithm provides a partially interpretable process model that can cope up with system changes in real-time. In the proposed OASIS-P framework, we use OASIS to forecast the future process behavior for a pre-defined time-horizon. Utilizing this prediction, we estimate and monitor operational risk dynamically to predict any impending faults. This ensures to signal a warning only when a fault is expected to impact the process safety. Once a fault is predicted, we initiate the isolation step to identify the faulty process variables. Unlike the classification-based isolation techniques that rely on historical fault data, contribution plots do not require a priori knowledge about the system, and hence, they are better for fault isolation. In OASIS-P, we implement a two-level contribution analysis. First, the process variables are grouped based on the physical meaning obtained from the OASIS model structure. Next, the contribution of each of these groups is used to model risk. The risk is evaluated to identify the maximum contributing group. The process variable with the maximum contribution to the estimated risk is identified as a faulty variable. In the case of simultaneous faults, when the characteristics of the constituent faults are coupled, it becomes difficult to identify them [6]. During the contribution analysis, it is difficult to conclude if the contribution observed is due to the presence of a fault in a variable or the effect from another faulty variable. In this context, physical interpretability provides an understanding of the connection between variables, which helps overcome the ambiguity in the contribution results by revealing the fault propagation pathway. Consequently, all the underlying faulty variables can be identified, thus enhancing isolation accuracy. For demonstration purposes, we apply the proposed OASIS-P method to perform the prognosis of a single fault and simultaneously occurring multiple faults in a reactor-separator system.
Literature cited:
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