2021 Annual Meeting
(558h) Safe Real-Time Optimization Using Multi-Fidelity Gaussian Processes
This two-step procedure in RTO schemes is called the model-adaptation strategy.
Despite being the most widely used industry method, this model-adaptation strategy does not converge to the systems' optimal operating conditions. Modifier Adaptation [2] has been proposed to accommodate this issue inspired by the technique of Integrated System Optimization and Parameter Estimation [3]. Still, it differs in the fact that no parameter estimation is required. These RTO schemes can reach plant optimality upon convergence, despite the presence of a structural plant-model mismatch. However, this comes at the cost of having to estimate gradient terms from process measurements.
The use of derivative-free approaches can lift the issues with the estimation of gradients.
The natural choice of surrogates is Gaussian processes (GPs) within Bayesian optimization ideas [4]. These methods use the GPs as a discrepancy model that approximate the mismatch between the model and the plant. The prior model combined with the GP is then explicitly used in the optimization formulation; however, most industrially relevant models are not analytical. They are often complex black-box simulators and legacy code, e.g. systems of ordinary or partial differential equations or a set of `if/else if' rules.
This work's novelty lies on integrating derivative-free optimization schemes and multi-fidelity Gaussian processes [5] within a Bayesian optimization framework. The proposed method uses two Gaussian processes for the stochastic system; one emulates the (known) process model, and another, the true system through measurements. In this way, low fidelity samples can be obtained via a model, while high fidelity samples are obtained through the system's measurements. This framework captures the system's behaviour in a non-parametric fashion while driving exploration through acquisition functions. The benefit of using a Gaussian process to represent the system is the ability to perform uncertainty quantification in real-time and allow for chance constraints to be satisfied with high confidence. This results in a practical approach illustrated in numerical case studies, including a semi-batch photobioreactor Optimization problem. The results show that the use of the multi-fidelity GP and chance constraints significantly help both the convergence to the optimum and the system's feasibility.
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