2021 Annual Meeting
(558b) A Unifying Abstraction for Infinite-Dimensional Optimization
Infinite-dimensional problems encompass a wide breadth of optimization fields that include stochastic optimization [3], dynamic optimization [4], PDE-constrained optimization [5], and combinations (e.g., stochastic PDEs) [6]. For instance, decision variables in stochastic problems are random variables that are dependent on infinite-dimensional random spaces with objectives and constraints that employ stochastic measure operators over those spaces (e.g., risk measures and chance constraints) [3]. Applications pertaining to these optimization fields include model predictive control [7], process design [8], parameter estimation [9], reliability analysis [10], design of dynamic experiments [11], and more.
Typically, optimization problems of this class are solved by transforming them into finite-dimensional representations via discretization (e.g., finite differences) [12]. This "transcription" process enables the use of standard optimization solution approaches, and is so predominant as a modeling/transformation paradigm that application classes often forego infinite-dimensional representations and the use of other transformation techniques (e.g., projection unto orthogonal basis functions [1]). Moreover, although problems in the aforementioned optimization fields are often identified as infinite-dimensional optimization problems, there exists a conceptual gap in abstracting these problems rigorously through a common lens. Coherent abstractions play a key role in facilitating innovative advancements and enabling general modeling languages [13].
To address this conceptual gap, we present a unifying abstraction for characterizing and modeling infinite-dimensional optimization problems. Specifically, we propose a measure-centric modeling paradigm to capture a wide breadth of optimization fields and promote novel theoretical insights/techniques. Our abstraction forms the basis for a Julia-based, infinite-dimensional optimization modeling implementation entitled InfiniteOpt.jl [14]. We demonstrate how characterizing problems in this abstraction readily encourages new theoretical crossover and novel problem formulations, and even engenders new optimization fields (e.g., random field optimization and optimization using basis functions). We also discuss how this perspective decouples traditional finite transformation techniques across the subsequent disciplines and promotes the use of non-traditional solution methodologies.
[1] Olivier Devolder, Francois Glineur, and Yurii Nesterov. Solving infinite-dimensional optimization problems by polynomial approximation. In Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering, pages 31â40. Springer, 2010.
[2] Bethany Nicholson, John D Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, Victor M Zavala, and Lorenz T Biegler. pyomo.dae: A modeling and automatic discretization framework for optimization with differential and algebraic equations. Mathematical Programming Computation, 10(2):187â223, 2018.
[3] John R Birge and Francois Louveaux. Introduction to stochastic programming. Springer Science & Business Media, 2011.
[4] Dimitri P Bertsekas, Dimitri P Bertsekas, Dimitri P Bertsekas, and Dimitri P Bertsekas. Dynamic programming and optimal control, volume 1. Athena scientific Belmont, MA, 1995.
[5] Michael Hinze, Ren Ìe Pinnau, Michael Ulbrich, and Stefan Ulbrich. Optimization with PDE constraints, volume 23. Springer Science & Business Media, 2008.
[6] Christian Bes and SP Sethi. Concepts of forecast and decision horizons: Applications to dynamic stochastic optimization problems. Mathematics of Operations Research, 13(2):295â310, 1988.
[7] James B Rawlings. Tutorial overview of model predictive control. IEEE control systems magazine, 20(3):38â52, 2000.
[8] David A Straub and Ignacio E Grossmann. Design optimization of stochastic flexibility. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 17(4):339â354, 1993.
[9] Sungho Shin, Ophelia S Venturelli, and Victor M Zavala. Scalable nonlinear programming framework for parameter estimation in dynamic biological system models. PLoS computational biology, 15(3):e1006828, 2019.
[10] Joshua L Pulsipher and Victor M Zavala. Measuring and optimizing system reliability: a stochastic programming approach. TOP, pages 1â20, 2020.
[11] Christos Georgakis. Design of dynamic experiments: A data-driven methodology for the optimization of time-varying processes. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52(35):12369â12382, 2013.
[12] Lorenz T Biegler. An overview of simultaneous strategies for dynamic optimization. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 46(11):1043â1053, 2007.
[13] Jordan Jalving, Yankai Cao, and Victor M Zavala. Graph-based modeling and simulation of complex systems. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 125:134â154, 2019.
[14] Joshua L Pulsipher, Weiqi Zhang, and Victor M Zavala. InfiniteOpt.jl -- A Julia package for modeling infinite-dimensional optimization problems. Zenodo, 10.5281/zenodo.4291106, 2020.