2021 Annual Meeting

(51a) Deep Learning Quantum Reaction Rate Constants

In this talk we will discuss our recent effort [1] to overcome the cost of ab initio reaction rate constant calculations by using supervised machine learning. A deep neural network, DNN, was trained on our in-house generated ~1.5 million example dataset of quantum reaction rate constants. Rate constants multiplied by reactant partition functions were computed for single, double, symmetric and asymmetric one-dimensional potentials over a broad range of reactant masses and temperatures. The network was trained for hundreds of epochs and able to predict the logarithm of the rate product with a relative mean absolute error of 1.1%. Systems beyond the test set were also studied, these included the diffusion of hydrogen on Ni(100), the Menshutkin reaction of pyridine with CH3Br in the gas phase, the reaction of formalcyanohydrin with HS− in water and the F + HCl reaction. The DNN predictions were in good agreement with the exact rates.

While this was encouraging, when exploring the test set predictions, some had errors as high as 33.5%. It was thus clear that anticipating individual prediction errors was necessary to inform design choices. We will discuss our recent effort to estimate that error using modified generative adversarial networks (GANs)[2-3].

[1] E. Komp and S. Valleau, “Machine Learning Quantum Reaction Rate Constants,” J. Phys. Chem. A, 124:8607-8613, 2020.

[2] I. Goodfellow et al., “Generative adversarial networks,” arXiv:1406.2661, 2014.

[3] M. Lee and J. Seok, “Estimation with Uncertainty via Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks,” arXiv:2007.00334 2020.