2021 Annual Meeting
(509o) Kinetic Analysis of 3D-Printed Dual Functional Monoliths in Combined CO2 Capture-Ethane Dehydrogenation to Ethylene
Baamran, K. - Presenter, Missouri University of Science & Technology, 143 S
Rezaei, F., Missouri S&T
Integrated carbon capture-utilization provides a viable approach to curb anthropogenic CO2 emissions and, at the same time, produce valuable chemicals and fuels from a waste carbon feedstock. In our previous work,[1,2] we demonstrated the in-situ capture and utilization of CO2 in oxidative dehydrogenation of C2H6 to C2H4 (CO2-ODHE) over dual function materials (DFMs) comprising CaO and Cr/H-ZSM-5. In this follow-up work, we investigated the process performance of the materials in more detail using structured configurations by formulating the materials into monolithic structures via additive manufacturing. To study the effect of bed configuration, two bed designs were considered: layered-bed in which adsorbent (CaO) and catalyst (Cr10/HZSM-5) were printed and stacked on top of each other, and single-layer bed where the adsorbent-catalyst materials were first printed together and loaded into the bed as a single monolithic structure. The capture-reaction results indicated that layered-bed outperforms the single-layer bed in terms of both capture and ODHE reaction performances, displaying a CO2 capture capacity of 4 mmol/g, C2H6 conversion of 42.5%, and C2H4 selectivity and yield of 90.6% and 38.6%, respectively, under semi-isothermal adsorption-reaction conditions (600-700 °C). In the next step, we systematically investigated the effects of reaction temperature, weight hourly space velocity (WHSV), C2H6 feed concentration, and cell density on the performance of layered-bed monoliths. The results were then used to extract kinetic parameters through a combination of power law and nonlinear regression techniques. Under optimum conditions, the 3D-printed DFMs exhibited comparable capture-catalytic activity to powders with enhanced C2H4 selectivity and cyclic stability.
- Al-Mamoori et al. Appl. Catal. B Environ 278, 119329 (2020).
- Al-Mamoori et al. Energy & Fuels 34 (11), 14483â14492 (2020).