2021 Annual Meeting
(490e) Detecting Molecules with an Electrokinetic Instability in Membrane Microfluidics
Our extensive measurements show the charge impurity triggered LC and OC share some universal features that are distinct from naturally excited electroconvective instabilities. With numerical simulation, scaling theory and experimentation, we report here the mechanisms underlying these features and offer scaling theories, backed by numerics, to collapse the relevant data. The ion depletion action in the LC region produces a near-ion free neighborhood with a large (100 nm) Debye screening length that enhances the range of the electric field from the charged impurities. It also enhances the resulting electroosmosis along the membrane surface, due to an extended polarized (Debye) layer, to drive micro-vortices with a linear dimension corresponding to the charge spacing. The OR transition occurs when the Peclet number of the vortices exceeds a critical value and we use this scaling theory to collapse the measured transition voltage, which scales as 1/2 power of the impurity surface concentration. For a periodic impurity array, the vortices undergo successive asymmetric coalescence bifurcation such that the smaller vortices near the surface are half or 1/3 the size of the primary vortex at the onset. These intense smaller vortices enhances counterion flux into the membrane and effectively reduce the diffusion length by half or 1/3. The result for an ideally selective membrane is that differential resistance in the OR is twice or three times lower that in the LR. Both the OR onset voltage and the differential resistance ratio scalings are consistent with measured data at small spacing (high concentration).
For charge separation much larger than the natural electro-convective length scale, the charge spacing no longer selects the vortex size or length scale. Instead, we use Guoy-Chapman theory to estimate the threshold voltage the charged impurities impose on the counterion current. We show that the transition voltage scales as logarithm of the impurity concentration and are able to collapse the experimental data in this limit. The asymmetric vortex bifurcation still occurs to produce a differential resistance that is 2 or 3 times lower than that in the LR. This logarithm scaling offers the large dynamic range and low detection limit necessary for a universal molecular sensor.