2021 Annual Meeting
(449d) Textile: Tutorials in Experimentalist Interactive Learning
Confocal microscopy is a common preclinical imaging modality to study a range of tissue features. Fluorescent image microscopy can provide insights into cell density, morphology, and cell-cell relationships. In our lab, we use immunofluorescent staining to investigate changes in cell and microenvironment features in response to development, injury, and treatment in the brain. We have developed image processing pipelines that threshold, segment, and quantify cell features. More recently, we have incorporated data science-enabled analysis and techniques into our imaging workflow. While the lab is comprised of researchers who are wet-lab experimentalists and data-driven analysts, only the second group has formal data science training. Wet-lab experimentalists can significantly benefit from having data science literacy to apply data science methodologies to their imaging datasets. However, there is no formal training regime to train wet-lab experimentalists in lab-specific data science methodologies. To address this training gap, we developed Tutorials in EXperimentalisT Interactive LEarning (TEXTILE) for data-science enabled fluorescent image processing.
TEXTILE is a module-based, semi-linear educational system developed with laboratory-based learning in mind. Modules combine data science fundamentals with specific biological imaging processing techniques. For example, we pair a data science module about data management with an image processing module on quantitative cell morphology characterization. The modular format allows us to train students on managing experimental data and pair that with quantifying features of cells that are relevant to their specific project of interest. Additionally, we designed TEXTILE such that the learning process is adaptable to starting skill level. Learning paths are based on entry knowledge but allow students to pick and choose their modules based on interest or previous experience. For example, someone with ample coding knowledge can skip the introductory Python modules and begin with the experimental image processing modules. Finally, we designed TEXTILE for a variety of degree levels. As a laboratory at a large public university, we engage with undergraduate and high school students, in addition to masterâs thesis and doctoral thesis students. We accomplished degree-level accessibility through the semi-linear system that assumes no prior knowledge in our research area. Since we already use TEXTILE to train high school students participating in laboratory research that have no previous knowledge of the subject topic, we aim to include more local high school students and expand TEXTILE for science education and outreach as well as in-laboratory education.
TEXTILE is composed of topic-specific modules. Each module is designed around a data science topic, lasts an hour and a half, and contains four sections: the pre-module activity, main module, post-module reflection, and feedback form (Figure 1a). The instructor sends the pre-module activity to students for self-driven learning a week before teaching the main module. The pre-module's purpose is to prime students for the module's main lesson with a high-level activity. For example, in our data management module, students analyze a grocery shopping trip and decide where to store specific categories of food and perform a space evaluation on how much room in each storage location the food will take up.
The main module aims to teach the bulk material in digestible lectures broken up by interactive sessions. The main module's detailed structure consists of six parts: introduction presentation, interactive session one, main presentation workshop, interactive session two, concluding presentation, and a reflection session (Figure 1b). The introduction presentation introduces the module's topic, outlines the structure the main module will follow, and leads into the first interactive session. Interactive session one guides the student through an exploration of the module material. For coding-based modules, instructors lead interactive sessions with Jupyter Notebook. During interactive session one, the instructor walks students through the code's basics as students code along. After the students have written the code, the instructor begins the main presentation, which has two purposes: (1) to increase the students' connection between the pre-module activity and the module introduction and (2) to dive deeper into the technical aspects of the first interactive session. Once students understand the technical elements of the main module, they begin interactive session two, where they apply technical details of the lesson to further explore the code written in the earlier interactive session. After students have an opportunity to explore, the instructor gives the concluding presentation, which includes wrapping up the main takeaways, emphasizing the module's motivation, and thanking students for their participation.
Finally, the main module ends with a prompt for students to reflect on what they have learned and how their opinions about the module's topic have changed since the pre-module activity. The post-module reflection is completed individually by each student a day or two after the main module. The purpose is to provide a student-led review activity that encourages them to explore content from the main module on their own time to solidify concepts and build confidence. After the whole module is completed, students are sent a feedback form through Google Forms. With the feedback form, students reflect on their growth and the impact of each component of the module. The feedback is then implemented back into the module for the next cohort of students.
In the summer of 2020, the first cohort of students went through six TEXTILE modules of paired data science and image processing techniques used within the lab. The first cohort had 15 students: six high school students, four undergraduates, and five graduate students. The first cohort was taught live by a Ph.D. student from the lab's data-driven analysis team. The topics covered included GitHub and version control, introduction to data management, introduction to experimental data management specific to the lab, intro to image processing, thresholding, image segmentation, cellular morphology, and quantifying cell shape features. By the end of the first cohort, all students completed every TEXTILE module and the high school and undergraduate students developed individual projects using protocols learned over the summer. They each created Jupyter Notebooks for a self-led project with a brain cell morphology lit review, data management plan, and image processing pseudo-code. Many students from the summer 2020 cohort chose to continue researching with the lab and are currently developing these projects further.
In fall 2020, a small cohort of two undergraduate students explored the TEXTILE modules asynchronously. The students watched a recording of the main module and participated in asynchronous discussions with previous students and a Ph.D. student-instructor via Slack. We also provided these students with published image data that no one previously analyzed for cell morphology features. The students are currently completing retroactive analysis on this data using techniques learned from various TEXTILE modules.
For summer 2021, TEXTILE is expanded to include three modules on machine learning and two additional modules on experimental image acquisition and manual cell counting, incorporating student feedback from 2020. The main takeaways from student feedback included developing a formalized mentoring process for student projects and teaching via a hybrid live and asynchronous format.
TEXTILE is a successful data science educational system for teaching data science techniques commonly used in experimental research labs. The TEXTILE system works for protocol training of fellow lab members, onboarding new students, and science education outreach. The combination of interactive sessions with instructor-led presentations gives students ample opportunity to work hands-on with real data from the lab in a guided environment. Students from the first cohort had the opportunity to develop their cell morphology research projects. In contrast, students from the second cohort took the lessons learned from TEXTILE and applied them for retroactive analysis of previously published data. The TEXTILE system is built to be robust and adaptable so that other laboratories can follow the methodology to develop training modules for their own data science techniques.