2021 Annual Meeting
(440g) Performance Benefit of Thermal Coatings for Future in-Space Cryogenic Propellant Transfer Systems
While storable propellants are routinely transferred in space, the transfer of cryogenic propellants in a reduced or microgravity environment has never been demonstrated to date. NASA is currently investigating efficient methods with which to transfer cryogenic propellant in reduced gravity environments, particularly for cryogenic fuel depots, upper stages, and Lunar or Martian ascent or descent stages. Efficient cryogenic fluid transfer methods will reduce the transfer time or amount of propellant consumed for chilldown of transfer line hardware and tanks. Most importantly, it will ensure successful engine restart or fill of a customer receiver tank (depot). Before cryogenic liquid can flow between depot storage tank and customer receiver tank, the transfer line and associated hardware must be chilled down or âquenchedâ from 300K to temperatures below the fluid saturation temperature. The most direct, repeatable, and reliable method to remove heat is to use the cryogen itself to quench the transfer system. Due to the low normal boiling point of cryogens, phase change, complex flow patterns, two-phase flow boiling, and high heat transfer are inevitable during the chilldown process. Due to the cost to launch and store propellant in space, it is desired to use the least amount of propellant as possible during chilldown.
Cryogenic transfer line experiments are ongoing to test the performance enhancement of using thermal coatings on the inside of the transfer line to speed up the chilldown process. The line is coated with a thin (< 100 microns) low thermally conductive material that acts as an insulation barrier between warm metal tube and cold fluid. Because the fluid âseesâ a colder temperature, the coated surface temperature chills down very quickly without chilling down the entire metal mass. The lower surface temperature earlier on in chilldown implies that liquid will stay in contact with the coating over a longer time. For an uncoated tube, most of the chilldown time is spent in film boiling where a vapor blanket exists between the warm metal and cold fluid. For coated tubes, the presence of the thermal coating allows the surface temperature to reach the Leidenfrost point sooner, leading to a higher chilldown efficiency because nucleate boiling and single phase liquid heat transfer are far more efficient at removing heat than film boiling.
This presentation will cover details of recent 1-g liquid nitrogen transfer line chilldown tests performed at the University of Florida. Results are compared between bare tubes and coated tubes to assess the performance benefit in terms of chilldown time and chilldown mass. Testing also investigates the effect of coating thickness on the chilldown efficiency to determine if there exists an optimal coating thickness that minimizes the chilldown time. Based on ground test results, savings in excess of 40% reduction in chilldown time are achievable using the thermal coatings.
This work is funded through the Game Changing Technology Development project under the Space Technology Mission Directorate at NASA.