2021 Annual Meeting
(423d) Performance Assessment for Naval Reactor Component Disposal Areas (NRCDA) at the Savannah River Site
Hang, T. - Presenter, Savannah River National Laboratory
Hamm, L. L., Savannah River National Laboratory
Naval Reactor (NR) waste generated by the reactor components from the U.S. Navy is comprised of highly radioactive components consisting of activated corrosion-resistant metal alloy contained within welded thick-walled steel casks, and auxiliary equipment primarily contaminated with lower levels of Activated Corrosion Products residing on the metal surfaces and contained within thinner-walled bolted containers. The NR waste has been stored and disposed in the two Naval Reactor Component Disposal Areas (NRCDAs), 643-7E and 643-26E, at the Savannah River Site (SRS).
Groundwater models have been developed using the PORFLOW software package for the two NRCDAs with the purpose of evaluating dose impacts and producing disposal limits for the SRS E-Area Low-Level Facility (LLWF). Modeling results are presented and discussed in this paper.