2021 Annual Meeting
(40f) Pyddsbb: A Python Package for Simulation-Optimization Using Data-Driven Branch-and-Bound Techniques
To tackle these challenges, we have previously presented a data-driven equivalent of a spatial branch-and-bound algorithm (DDSBB). A key component of the algorithm is the use of a linear programming formulation to build convex underestimators of data from simulations. These underestimators are used to solve easier ârelaxedâ subproblems and are embedded within a branch-and-bound algorithm that adaptively samples in non-pruned subspaces. Through a large set of benchmark problems, we have shown that the validity of these underestimators increases as we add more data generated from fitted surrogate models, in addition to the âhigh-fidelityâ simulation data (multi-fidelity convex underestimators) [8]. Using this approach, we avoid direct optimization of nonconvex surrogate models; dependence on a single surrogate model; and convergence to different local solutions after different initialization. More importantly, the algorithm provides an upper bound and an approximate lower bound on the incumbent solution at any intermediate stopping point (due to sampling limitations), and the gap between these bounds improves as more data is collected.
In this work, we showcase the development of an open-source Python package of the DDSBB algorithm (PyDDSBB) and demonstrate its capabilities through a series of benchmark and simulation-based problems. The PyDDSBB algorithm has the capacity of employing a variety of different surrogate models for low-fidelity data generation (i.e., linear, quadratic, Support Vector Regression, Gaussian Process Models and Neural Networks), and offers the capability of user-based additions of new surrogate models. The PyDDSBB library also contains different types of underestimating options (i.e., linear and convex quadratic models). While the objective function is assumed to be simulation-based (black-box), PyDDSBB allows the user to include simulation-based constraints (unknown or black-box) and equation-based (known) constraints into the formulation. A variety of Machine-Learning-based branching techniques and branch-and-bound heuristics are considered, and default options are recommended for the case of box-constrained and general constrained problems. The premise of this software is to provide a user-friendly simulation-based optimization framework for both expert and non-expert users, benefiting from the high-level features of Python. PyDDSBB follows the object-oriented programming paradigm and is designed to allow easy extension of the core functionality by users and developers.
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- Schweidtmann, A.M. and A. Mitsos, Deterministic Global Optimization with Artificial Neural Networks Embedded. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2019. 180(3): p. 925-948.