2021 Annual Meeting

(354p) Process Design of Onboard Membrane Carbon Capture and Liquefaction Process to Satisfy the Eedi Phase 5


Oh, J. - Presenter, Seoul National University
Lee, P., Chung-Ang University
Lim, Y., Seoul National University
Anantharaman, R., SINTEF Energy Research
Zahid, U., King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
This study proposes an onboard membrane carbon capture system of a container ship fueled by LNG considering a binary flue gas system, N2 and low purity CO2, to satisfy the IMO’s greenhouse gas (GHG) targets for 2050, EEDI phase 5. International shipping is making efforts to reduce CO2 emissions from ships through mandatory regulations on Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for ships established by the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC). Alternative fuels such as hydrogen, biofuels, methanol, and ammonia explored by international shipping allow ships to satisfy the IMO’s GHG targets for 2050. However, those fuels still have several weaknesses to be introduced on ships. Thus, to meet the EEDI phase 5 requirements, the onboard membrane carbon capture and storage (OCCS) system is proposed to the LNG fueled ships. Case studies of the OCCS system were conducted on the 3800TEU container ship fueled by LNG with low purity CO2 considered. The case studies of membrane capture and liquefaction process design confirm less energy consumption compared to the onboard amine carbon capture and storage system. The results indicate that the OCCS system using the membrane is the viable option in the IMO’s EEDI phase 5 requirements.