2021 Annual Meeting
(349r) Tuning Electronic Properties of Active Sites for Alkene Epoxidations with H2O2
The stabilities of the epoxidation transition state and pertinent reactive intermediates are examined by measured apparent activation enthalpies (âHâ¡epox) and heats of adsorption of 1,2-epoxyhexane (âHads,epox) onto active sites. Values of (âHads,epox) show W-BEA binds 1,2-epoxyhexane less strongly than Ti- and Nb-BEA (Figure 1c). âHâ¡epox values decrease linearly with âHads,epox, showing that 1-hexene epoxidation exhibits a linear free energy relationship. A similar study on Ti-MOx reveals Ti atoms supported on SiO2 (SBA-15) have higher ratesthan Ti supported on other MOx for 1-hexene epoxidation.
These relationships show that rates, selectivities, and apparent barriers for alkene epoxidations over M-BEA and Ti-MOx catalysts reflect the electron affinity of dispersed active sites and suggest strategies of fine-tuning these values. Ongoing work will expand on tuning electronic properties of active metal sites by investigating these metal-support interactions. We gratefully acknowledge support from the Army Research Office (W911NF-16-1-0100).
- Ayla, E. Z. et al. ACS Catal. 2021, 11 (1), 139-154.