2021 Annual Meeting
(338b) Tandem Membrane Protein Cryo-EM and Assays in Dynamically Loadable and Intact Lipid Bilayers in Nanoporous Membranes
We have coupled the cryo-EM studies in the observation region with AFM and fluorescence imaging microscopy at both the micro- and nanoscale in these systems, using the imaging to examine to bottom-up construction of the supported lipid bilayers. Silane-PEG-NH2 tethering was used to functionalize the nanoporous silicon nitride and silica EM surfaces and we examined the coverage using AIRYSCAN superresolution with appropriate controls. We measured the lateral mobility of the lipids within these systems using confocal fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), finding that the lipid diffusivities are within the expected values consistent with high quality supported bilayers. We probed these same bilayers with cryo-EM and showed that high quality bilayers were indeed positioned within the observation region. We followed up these measurements with detailed atomic-force microscopy (AFM) studies of coverage and supported membrane thickness, which we have recently used to image MPs such as gamma-secretase at the single molecule level in intact lipid bilayers with biomembrane phase separation(Barros et al. (2020) Langmuir 36, 23, 6569â6579).
We conclude that we formed bilayers with complete and mobile coverage that are well-suited for the introduction of membrane proteins within the cryo-EM observation zone. This method for direct imaging studies of membrane proteins in intact biomembranes of controlled composition can significantly enable a new window of structural biology of these drug targets.