2021 Annual Meeting
(260b) High-Throughput Measurement of the Human RED Blood Cell Shear Modulus Distribution As a Function of PO2
RBC structure and deformability are largely governed by the membrane shear modulus. State-of-the-art methods to measure the shear modulus of RBCs are not high-throughput and, microfluidic platforms for high-throughput measurements of RBC mechanical properties have not yet enabled measurement of the shear modulus. These limitations challenge the development of diagnostic devices based on RBC shear modulus biomarkers. In this talk, we will review the development of our high-throughput microfluidic platform[4], coupled with high-fidelity simulations to address this significant gap in technology. In contrast with existing technologies, this approach allows us to measure the shear modulus of individual RBCs and generate shear modulus distributions (for a given individual or multiple individuals) including measurements of thousands of cells in a few seconds of experimental data acquisition. We demonstrate that our platform provides mean values of the modulus that are in quantitative agreement with other low throughput measurement techniques in the literature (e.g optical tweezers), but that the distribution for each donor follows a broad lognormal distribution.
We will then discuss the modification of our platform to make similar measurements of an individualâs shear modulus distribution but at controlled PO2 saturation levels in the blood. Thus, our microfluidic chip is modified to include gas channels that run along the blood flow channel. The PO2 titration in the gas channels is accurately controlled such that for each individual blood sample measurements of the shear modulus are made at the equilibrium PO2 of the gas channel. The result yields accurate and independent measures of the correlation of RBC shear modulus with PO2 present in healthy individuals for the first time.
[1] Zhou et al., Oxygen tensionâmediated erythrocyte membrane interactions regulate cerebral capillary hyperemia, Sci. Adv. 2019; 5 : eaaw4466 29 May 2019; [2] Cavezzi et al., COVID-19: hemoglobin, iron, and hypoxia beyond inflammation. A narrative review; Clin Pract. 2020 May 19; 10(2): 1271.doi: 10.4081/cp.2020.1271; [3] Connors, J. And J. Levy, Blood, 135(23) pp.2033-2040 [4] Saadat et al., High-throughput measurement of an individualâs red blood cell shear modulus distribution, Lab on a Chip , 20, pp. 2927-2936 (2020).