2021 Annual Meeting
(246e) Online Monitoring Based on Reaction Network and Kinetic Model Identification from Spectroscopic Data without a Priori knowledge of Species and Reactions
We demonstrate two methods to use the projected concentration data of the pseudo-components to develop kinetic models for the system. In the first, matrix factorization is performed to decompose the rate laws into matrices representing the order of the reaction and kinetic parameters. A logarithmic transformation allows the rate law to be represented as a linear combination of concentration profiles and temperatures with each term being weighted by the order of the reaction and kinetic parameters, respectively. The concentration profiles across various temperatures are stacked to form a concentration matrix which is then numerically differentiated to obtain the rate of transformation of each species. A simultaneous factorization of the rate matrix across all temperatures is performed to guarantee the consistency of reaction order across all process conditions. An optimal factorization is achieved by minimizing the L2 norm of the difference between the actual rates and the linear combination of the decompositions. The initial guess of the parameters is obtained through the Sparse Identification of Non-linear Dynamics (SINDy) framework for LASSO regression with a library matrix consisting of an ensemble of simple rate laws. This routine further incorporates the topology of the predetermined reaction network (obtained by Bayesian structure learning). The decomposition begins from the root node of the graph only incorporating the terms corresponding to that species. As the algorithm traverses the graph, the decomposition for subsequent nodes involves the concentration terms of the parent nodes and in some cases the child node (in the case of a reversible reaction). An alternating least squares approach is used in such cases to simultaneously produce decompositions for the parent and the child nodes, and the process is repeated for each species (i.e., pseudo-component). In contrast to a SINDy-based model identification, this direct factorization does not suffer from an inherent bias established by the type of features chosen in the library matrix, and honors the topology of the reaction network.
In the second method, we demonstrate the use of the projected concentration data of the pseudo-components for the development of a kinetically informed neural network architecture constrained by the adjacency matrix of the network topology from Bayesian networks to functionally approximate the reaction propensity. The logarithm of the projected concentrations are the inputs to a simple feedforward neural network, with the objective of predicting the time rate of change of the species concentration, such that the squared differences of these predictions from the numerically ascertained reaction rates from the concentration projection data is minimized, while being regularized by the network adjacency matrix. The weights of the first layer represent the reaction orders, followed by an exponential activation in the hidden layer comprising as many neurons as the number of reaction pathways identified by the Bayesian networks, and finally, the weights of the output layer correspond to the stoichiometric coefficients. Both methods presented are shown to achieve online reaction monitoring of complex chemical systems in the absence of prior knowledge of the underlying species and their reaction mechanisms, which has not been demonstrated before for complex reacting systems. Results are presented for biomass conversion and partial upgrading of bitumen.
Keywords: Chemical reaction neural networks, reaction hypothesis, latent factor decomposition, Bayesian networks, constrained kinetic models, sparse identification, reaction monitoring
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