2021 Annual Meeting
(227a) Alternative Regularization Schemes in Outer-Approximation Algorithms for Convex MINLP
In this work, we propose a framework for incorporating regularization for the OA method for solving convex MINLP problems. Recently, Kronqvist et al. [4]proposed using regularization ideas for convex MINLP. Inspired by the level-based method for continuous convex problems, the authors proposed two algorithms that reduce the OA iterations and total algorithmic runtime by solving an additional regularization Mixed-integer quadratic program (MIQP) in each iteration. We pro-pose a set of functions based on norm-minimization and Lagrangian approximations as possible objective functions for the regularization auxiliary mixed-integer problem, which includes the regularization functions proposed in [4]. This approach denoted as regularization outer-approximation (ROA), which requires aMILP or MIQP subproblem solution, has been implemented as part of the open-source Mixed-integer nonlinear decomposition toolkit in Pyomo - MindtPy[1](https://pyomo.readthedocs.io/en/stable/contributed\_packages/mindtpy.html). We compare the OA method with seven regularization function alternatives for ROA. Moreover, we extend the LP/NLP Branch & Bound (B&B) method proposed by Quesada and Grossmann [7] to include regularization in an algorithm denoted RLP/NLP. We establish convergence guarantees for both ROA and RLP/NLP. Furthermore, we generalize the proof given by [4] to determine that the norm-based ROA is equivalent to adding trust-region constraints to OA. Finally, we perform significant computational experiments by considering all convex MINLP problems in the benchmark library MINLPLib[2], obtaining results illustrating the advantages of using regularization in the OA method when solving these problems. These methods become particularly well-suited for highly nonlinear instances, such as those arising in Chemical Engineering applications, allowing these problems to be solved more efficiently.
1. Bernal, D.E., Chen, Q., Gong, F., Grossmann, I.E.: Mixed-integer nonlinear decomposition toolbox for Pyomo (MindtPy). In: Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, vol. 44, pp. 895â900. Elsevier (2018)
2. Bussieck, M.R., Drud, A.S., Meeraus, A.: MINLPLibâa collection of test models for mixed-integer nonlinear programming. INFORMS Journal on Computing15(1), 114â119 (2003)
3. Duran, M.A., Grossmann, I.E.: An outer-approximation algorithm for a class of mixed-integer nonlinear programs. Mathematical Programming36(3), 307â339(1986)
4. Kronqvist, J., Bernal, D.E., Grossmann, I.E.: Using regularization and second-order information in outer approximation for convex MINLP. Mathematical Pro-gramming180(1), 285â310 (2020)
5. Kronqvist, J., Bernal, D.E., Lundell, A., Grossmann, I.E.: A review and comparison of solvers for convex MINLP. Optimization and Engineering20(2), 397â455(2019)