2021 Annual Meeting

(192d) Disordered Hyperuniform Networks and Their Application in Atomic-Scale Low-Dimensional Materials

Disordered hyperuniformity is a recently discovered novel state of many-body systems that possesses vanishing normalized infinite-wavelength density fluctuations and a hidden long-range order similar to a perfect crystal, and yet is statistically isotropic with no Bragg peaks like a liquid or glass. In this work I will present a series of research centered around a new concept called "disordered hyperuniform quantum materials" that my collaborators and I have introduced, i.e., disordered hyperuniform atomic-scale low-dimensional materials with nontrivial quantum characteristics. In particular, we discover a hyperuniformity-preserving topological transformation in low-dimensional networks that involves continuous introduction of Stone-Wales (SW) defects. Our network models reveal unique electronic transport mechanisms and mechanical behaviors associated with distinct classes of disorder in low-dimensional materials. In particular, we find that when adding disorder in a hyperuniform manner, silica and pyrite systems exhibit a transition from insulating/semiconducting to metallic behavior, which is in contrast to the conventional wisdom that disorder generally diminishes electronic transport.