2021 Annual Meeting
(184d) Optimal Control for Pipeline Flushing Operations in Lubricants Blending and Packaging Industries
The current flushing operation is based on previous operator experience to determine appropriate flush times and volumes. This, however, is not optimal, and there are potential opportunities for cost, energy, and material savings on detailed analysis and subsequent optimization of this process. In this research, we are developing models of fluid hydrodynamics in multiproduct pipelines. We will use process optimization tools to predict strategies for conducting the flushing operations with less energy consumption and material downgrade.
This research aims to develop an optimal control problem for flushing operations in the petroleum industries. The problem is formulated using various performance indices: minimum flush time, maximum product purity, and minimum oil downgrade. We use Pontryaginâs maximum principle for solving these problems. In our work, we present the formulation of these optimal control problems and analysis of the solutions. Our objectives can be categorized as follows:
- Data collection and analysis
- Model development for fluid hydrodynamics within the flushing process
- Formulation of an optimal control problem that minimizes the flushing time, maximizes the product purity, and minimizes the oil downgrade
- Solution strategy using Pontryaginâs maximum principle and
- Solution analysis and recommendations for industrial application
A 23-week lube oil flush study data was collected from our industrial partner. This data was analyzed to understand the existing flushing operations at the facility. The uncertainty observed through the data analysis gave us a strong indication that the current flushing processes can be optimized, thus minimizing the oil downgrade and overall energy consumption. Following this analysis, on-site flushing experiments were designed, and 70 product changeovers were conducted to identify the key process conditions and bottlenecks. We then developed a first-principles model of the flushing operation, which incorporated the essential parameters from the experimental flush study. The parameters include but are not limited to the viscosity of individual products, the viscosity of product blend, density, flowrate, flushing time, and downgraded/flushed oil. These parameters are incorporated into time-dependent differential equation model, and optimal control problems are formulated using various performance indices mentioned above. Pontryaginâs maximum principle is used for solving these optimal control problems (Diwekar 2008; Yenkie and Diwekar 2013). The advantage of this method over other approaches of solving optimal control problems is that it does not involve second-order differential equations or partial differential equations (Benavides and Diwekar 2013; Yenkie and Diwekar 2014).
Our research can be an excellent starting point in optimizing the existing flushing operations in the lubricant industries. It can lead to financial savings for the company and improve the environmental footprint of the process.
Keywords: Flushing, lubricants, optimal control, optimization
- S. Environmental Protection Agencyâs Pollution Prevention (P2) Program
- Sustainable Design and Systems Medicine Lab
- Undergraduate Students: Joseph DâIntino, Anthony Wiley, Jacob Martin, Erik Dunn, Emily Rooney, Diana Castro, Marissa Martine, Spencer Verdoni
- Rowan University Department of Chemical Engineering
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