2021 Annual Meeting
(182g) Decision-Making Under Epistemic Uncertainty Using Bayesian Hybrid Models
Kennedy and OâHagan proposed a statistical framework to simultaneously quantify aleatory and epistemic uncertainty[13]. We extend this framework to develop Bayesian hybrid models of the form[14]:
y = η(.) + δ(.) + ε
In the above equation, the glass-box component η(.) is the mechanistic model which is prone to systematic bias due to epistemic uncertainty. The black-box component δ(.) is the Gaussian Process (GP) discrepancy function which leverages data to offset the systematic bias in predictions. ε is normally distributed random noise and models aleatory uncertainty. We highlight that the proposed model lies at the intersection of glass-box models, developed from foundational scientific theory, and surrogate models which utilize statistics and machine learning to reveal trends in voluminous data. We use the GP discrepancy function as its probabilistic nature provides readily interpretable uncertainty information along with predictions. Moreover, it allows the use of Bayesian model calibration to train the model[15]. The posterior distribution of the mechanistic model parameters and GP hyperparameters is used in a single stage stochastic program to design an optimal experiment despite epistemic uncertainty thereby completing the Bayesian decision-making workflow.
In this work, we seek to answer 3 key questions:
1. Can Bayesian hybrid models overcome epistemic uncertainty?
2. What is the optimal training strategy for Bayesian hybrid models?
3. How does the Bayesian workflow inform reaction engineering studies?
Using ballistic firing as an illustrative case study [14], we show that Bayesian hybrid models overcome epistemic uncertainty to hit a target 100 meters away using only 6 data points, despite using a mechanistic model that neglects air resistance effects. Moreover, we highlight that the simultaneous calibration of the glass-box and black-box components using maximum-a-posteriori point estimates is sufficient to ensure direct hits. We compare this training method with its alternatives such as fully Bayesian training and the sequential training of the individual hybrid model components. Finally, using a case study of reaction engineering, we show how this workflow can be used to learn unknown reaction kinetics and accurately predict the duration and temperature of a reaction, thus highlighting its potential in fields such as multiscale reactor design and flowsheet optimization. We conclude with remarks about how this workflow fits into our integrated molecules-to-systems engineering design framework[16].
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