2021 Annual Meeting
(177e) Keynote Talk: Modelling and Monitoring with Dynamic Auto-Regressive Latent Variable Methods
The aforementioned models obtain satisfactory modeling and monitoring performance; however, only static variations are considered in these models, and this static assumption constrains their applicability in actual dynamic systems. Several dynamic variants were proposed to extract temporal information from the data. For instance, augmented matrices were formed to include lagged process and quality variables in the work of Ku et al.[11] and Qin and McAvoy[12]. However, it is hard to interpret their latent structures because of the augmentation matrices. To address this issue, dynamic inner LVM was proposed to construct dynamic outer model by maximizing the relations between current samples and a linear combination of past samples, and a dynamic inner model that is consistent with the dynamic outer model[13-16]. Dynamic weighted variants were also proposed in [1, 17] to reduce the redundant information between adjacent historical samples by introducing basis functions. For aforementioned dynamic variants of LVM, only dynamic cross-correlations between the current quality variables and past process and quality variables are considered, leaving large portion of valuable quality information unexploited.
In this work, a series of dynamic auto regressive LVM (DALVM) algorithms are proposed to fully exploit the valuable information of both process and quality variables. DALVM aims to maximize the dynamic relations between current quality samples and past process and quality samples, and to achieve consistency, an auto-regressive exogenous (ARX) model is designed in the inner model. In DALVM, in addition to the auto-regressive relations of quality variables, the cross-correlations between X and Y are also constructed. Further, aiming for comprehensive modeling and monitoring, subsequent decompositions are proposed to decompose the process and quality variables concurrently into seven dynamic and static subspaces, and the corresponding monitoring scheme is designed for all subspaces. Two industrial dataset, Tennessee Eastman process and the three-phase flow facility, are used to illustrate the advantages of the proposed algorithms.
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