2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting
(738f) Investigation of the Surface Reaction Pathways for Catalytic Valorization of Methane over NiO/Ce0.83Zr0.17O2
Using in-situ IR spectroscopy, the surface intermediates formed during methane activation were monitored. The formation of methyl/methoxy groups, hydroxyl groups, aromatic species and carbonate species was observed. Additionally, the evolution of different surface species in the course of 12 h was evaluated to elucidate the surface reaction pathway during methane activation. A slowdown of the growth rate of all surface species was observed after 10 mins upon exposure to methane, indicating a change in physiochemical properties of the active sites during the methane activation process. Adsorption of expected products on the catalysts surface was also monitored using IR spectroscopy to identify the key intermediate species during methane valorization. The peaks for aromatic species and C-O vibrations originated from methane activation overlapped with those from benzene and methanol adsorption.
Finally, using in-situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy, the changes in oxidation states and local electronic structures of nickel and cerium were revealed to identify the active sites. Combining the two pieces of information, a comprehensive reaction pathway for methane valorization on NiO/CZ was revealed.