2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting
(736a) Leveraging the Manufacturing Sector As a Grid Asset through Demand Response – Four Real-World Case Studies
In the first study, it is observed through power sensors placed on high energy consuming equipment that a food processing facility experienced high intraday electricity demand spikes [5]. To reduce the maximum demand, short-term energy storage in the form of a glycol holding tank is leveraged to control the peak electrical demand. A novel algorithm is developed that determines when to turn on a chiller to charge the glycol tank with cold medium and when to shut off the chiller to preserve the facility demand peak. The result is a 7.9% reduction in the maximum demand. In the second study, a limestone processing facility is examined for its potential to perform ancillary services [6]. Ancillary services are large, short-term changes in the power draw of electricity consumers to help utilities match electricity generation and demand. Large fans at the facility, drawing over 2 MW of power, are the targets of the ancillary service. With model predictive control of a dynamic model of the process, it is demonstrated that the manufacturing facility can maintain product quality and serve as a grid asset. In the third and fourth case studies, two areas of energy consumption flexibility, de-watering and intermediate product storage at two separate mines are illustrated as electrical grid assets [7]. In both cases the objective is to control the peak power consumption at the mine using an algorithm like the food processing facility. Rescheduling de-watering pumping saves $570,000 annually and reduces peak power draw by 5 MW. Rescheduling intermediate product pumping saves $180,000 annually and reduces peak power draw by over 1 MW.
[1] Gielen, Dolf, et al. "The role of renewable energy in the global energy transformation." Energy Strategy Reviews 24 (2019): 38-50.
[2] EIA, Levelized Cost. "Levelized Avoided Cost of New Generation Resources in the Annual Energy Outlook 2019, in." US Energy Information and Administration, Independent Statistics and Analysis (2019).
[3] Yap, Kah Yung, Charles R. Sarimuthu, and Joanne Mun-Yee Lim. "Virtual Inertia-Based Inverters for Mitigating Frequency Instability in Grid-Connected Renewable Energy System: A Review." Applied Sciences 9.24 (2019): 5300.
[4] Zhang, Qi, and Ignacio E. Grossmann. "Enterprise-wide optimization for industrial demand side management: Fundamentals, advances, and perspectives." Chemical Engineering Research and Design 116 (2016): 114-131.
[5] Machalek, Derek, and Kody Powell. "Automated electrical demand peak leveling in a manufacturing facility with short term energy storage for smart grid participation." Journal of Manufacturing Systems 52 (2019): 100-109.
[6] Machalek, Derek, and Kody M. Powell. "Model predictive control of a rotary kiln for fast electric demand response." Minerals Engineering 144 (2019): 106021.
[7] Machalek, Derek, et al. "Mine operations as a smart grid resource: Leveraging excess process storage capacity to better enable renewable energy sources." Minerals Engineering 145 (2020): 106103.