2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting
(717g) Optimal Integration of CO2 Capture and Renewable Energy with Fossil Power Plants
We investigate the potential of an integrated system that consists of a coal-based power plant, a flexible CO2 capture unit and a renewable power generation unit. Specifically, we investigate under which conditions the benefits to a coal power plant from a CCS retrofit or a co-located renewable energy farm installation outweigh the upfront capital cost of these systems. We formulate a two-stage optimization framework to determine both the long-term investment and the short-term operational decisions for clean energy. The framework is based on a mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) model with the objective of maximizing the net present value (NPV) of the integrated system. Seasonal and daily variabilities in electricity price and weather data are represented through deterministic scenarios. Incentive to reduce CO2 emissions is provided by imposing a regulatory policy such as carbon tax. To solve the large-scale optimization problem in tractable time, we apply a scenario reduction technique and re-assign the scenario frequencies to obtain the time-aggregated representative scenarios. This subset of scenarios is used to obtain the designs as the first-stage decisions. The second stage involves solving for the operational variables subject to the original scenario set. This two-stage optimization framework strikes a balance between the computational tractability and the solution quality as we decouple the complicating design decisions from the hourly operating decisions. We demonstrate the framework through a case study based on the Petra Nova CO2 capture facility, which is one of the few power plants worldwide with an operational CCS unit. Although a co-located natural gas-fired power plant is used to meet the high energy requirement of CO2 capture at this facility7, it further adds to the CO2 emissions. Our results suggest that for a carbon tax above $40 per ton, it is beneficial to invest in a co-located solar energy farm that would partially meet the energy demands of the CO2 capture unit while providing an additional supply of renewable energy to the grid, thereby reducing the overall consumption of coal. This reduces the total CO2 emission intensity of the integrated system by almost 50% as compared to the case without renewables. Moreover, the optimal solar farm size is influenced by the imposed carbon tax, with higher carbon tax resulting in a larger size of the solar energy farm. We further extend this analysis to a nationwide scale by identifying coal power plants where a CCS retrofit and/or a co-located renewable energy farm installation would be viable to reduce CO2 emissions.
- Rubin ES, Davison JE, Herzog HJ. The cost of CO2 capture and storage. Int J Greenh Gas Control. 2015;40:378-400.
- Beaudin M, Zareipour H, Schellenberglabe A, Rosehart W. Energy storage for mitigating the variability of renewable electricity sources: An updated review. Energy Sustain Dev. 2010;14(4):302-314.
- Perez-Arriaga IJ, Batlle C. Impacts of intermittent renewables on electricity generation system operation. Econ Energy Environ Policy. 2012;1(2):3-18.
- Kang CA, Brandt AR, Durlofsky LJ. Optimal operation of an integrated energy system including fossil fuel power generation, CO2 capture and wind. Energy. 2011;36(12):6806-6820.
- Bandyopadhyay R, Patiño-Echeverri D. An alternate wind power integration mechanism: Coal plants with flexible amine-based CCS. Renew Energy. 2016;85:704-713.
- Zantye MS, Arora A, Hasan MMF. Operational power plant scheduling with flexible carbon capture: A multistage stochastic optimization approach. Comput Chem Eng. 2019;130:106544.
- U.S. Energy Information Administration-Petra Nova is one of two carbon capture and sequestration power plants in the world. https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=33552.