2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting
(716a) The Emerging Role of Multiscale Modeling and Process Control to Effectively Handle the Panic-Buying of Toilet Paper amid Coronavirus Pandemic
Motivated by this limitation, we developed a multiscale model that is capable of describing both macroscopic and microscopic phenomena in a continuous pulp digester. Specifically, a set of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) are solved using a finite difference approach, and a kMC algorithm is used to describe evolution of solid component concentrations, Kappa number, cell wall thickness and fiber length. Then, a reduced-order model is identified using the high-fidelity input/output data of the proposed multiscale model to handle the computational requirement of the developed model [11]. Additionally, as the nominal model predictive control (MPC) framework cannot handle an offset caused by set-point change, the identified model is augmented with a disturbance model to achieve offset-free reference tracking, followed by the design of an observer which estimates both states and disturbances based on the augmented model [12]. Lastly, the developed model is implemented to a model-based predictive controller to minimize the off-spec product in the transition period using the upper heating temperature as a manipulated input when the set-point has altered.
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