2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting
(686b) Simulation-Based Derivative-Free Optimization for Hybrid Separation Design
This work focuses on a mathematical optimization-based approach for designing hybrid distillation columns. Here, the problem is formulated to select the optimal switching composition in hybrid distillation separation systems so that the annualized investment cost is minimized. The objective function, minimization of annualized investment cost, considers both the capital cost incurred by new equipment and also the operating cost associated with the entire separation task. Even though a trial and error based simulation run can help to identify the optimal point, it can be time-consuming or even impossible when dealing with complicated processes. An alternative approach is to apply derivative-free optimization algorithms, such as Bayesian optimization, to identify the optimal point. This approach has two levels (inner and outer loop). In the inner-loop, process simulations are performed, and the results are used to calculate the objective function, corresponding to the design decisions. The results from the inner-loop (objective function value and the associated decision variable values) are sent to the outer-loop where a suitable solver based on a gradient-free optimization algorithm is employed to obtain new/improved values of the decision variables such as design parameters. This iterative calculation continues until convergence of the outer-loop is achieved.
This optimization-based approach was used to solve a range of case studies, including alkane isomers separation, water-methanol. In all case studies, the developed approach was able to find the best switching composition for designing hybrid distillation columns. Furthermore, this approach can also be used to identify different hybrid schemes such as different membranes, adsorbents.
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