2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting
(667a) Investigation of Hetero-Multivalent Binding Dynamics between Cholera Toxin and Glycolipids on Membranes Via Kinetic Monte Carlo Model and Nanocube-Based Measurements
Previously, we examined the multivalent process of a tetravalent lectin, LecA, which is secreted from Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria [7-9]. From these studies, we have concluded that glycolipid receptors with lower binding affinities can make significant contributions to the overall LecA binding as long as the sufficient number of glycolipid receptors is present on a heterogeneous cell membrane [7-9]. Such phenomena are mainly mediated by a mechanism called âreduction in dimensionalityâ (RD). [10] The reduced dimension of receptor diffusion on a cell membrane surface activates LecA binding to weaker receptors, leading to the increase of protein attachment [7].
Motivated by the LecA studies, this work examines how the RD mechanism influences the CTB-glycolipid binding system on a heterogeneous cell membrane containing both GM1 and GM2 receptors. LecA has only two binding sites that can interact with receptors on the same cell membrane. In contrast, all five binding pockets of a pentavalent CTB can simultaneously bind to multiple receptors on a cell membrane. The increase of valency can raise the complexity of this nonlinear binding phenomenon. To address this issue, we have developed an on-lattice kinetic Monte Carlo simulation framework by incorporating detailed step-wise binding mechanisms between CTB proteins and a cell membrane with GM1 and GM2 glycolipids [8]. Here, the kMC framework is chosen as it is a natural tool to simulate stochasticity that exists in the underlying dynamics due to a low number of molecules involved in the process [8]. Also, the on-lattice kMC model also takes into account spatial effects of the heterogeneity glycolipid distribution on the overall binding dynamics [8]. As a result, the kMC modeling framework can simulate hetero-multivalent binding process and the temporal evolution of binding configurations in detail. Since kinetic parameters for the developed kMC model have not been quantitatively calibrated before, we use a nanocube-based biosensor, which can monitor the binding dynamics in a high-throughput manner, to observe the CTB-GM1-GM2 binding dynamics [4,7,11]. The obtained measurements are used for tuning the parameter values so that the resultant kMC model prediction is accurate. Lastly, the calibrated kMC model is used to perform a series of perturbation studies to examine how a physical condition such as densities of glycolipid receptors will influence the overall binding dynamics. Specifically, we varied binding affinities and densities of glycolipid receptors as well as their diffusion rates on the membrane to examine their importance in the binding dynamics and outcomes. Through these modeling and experimentation, we found the RD mechanisms play an important role in the CTB binding system as the LecA system, and the importance of various physical conditions with respect to the RD mechanism in the CTB systems was assessed.
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[3] Lee, D.; Singla, A.; Wu, H.-J.; Kwon, J.S. An integrated numerical and experimental framework for modeling of CTB and GD1b glycolipid binding kinetics. AIChE Journal 2018, 64, 3882-3893.
[4] Krishnan, P.; Singla, A.; Lee, C.-A.; Weatherston, J.D.; Worstell, N.C.; Wu, H.-J. Hetero-multivalent binding of cholera toxin subunit B with glycolipid mixtures. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2017, 160, 281-288.
[5] Sethi, A.; Wands, A. M.; Mettlen, M.; Krishnamurthy, S.; Wu, H.; Kohler, J. J. Cell type and receptor identity regulate cholera toxin subunit B (CTB) internalization. Journal of the Royal Society Interface Focus 2019, 9, 20180076.
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[7] Worstell N.C.; Singla A.; Saenkham P.; Galbadage T.; Sule P.; Lee D.; Mohr A.; Kwon J.S.; Cirillo J.D.; Wu H.-J. Hetero-multivalency of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lectin LecA binding to model membranes. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8, 8419.
[8] Lee D.; Mohr A.; Kwon JSI. Kinetic Monte Carlo modeling of multivariant binding of CTB proteins with GM1 receptor. Computers & Chemical Engineering 2018, 118, 283-295.
[9] Choi, H.-K.; Lee, D.; Singla, A.; Kwon, J.S.; Wu, H.-J. The influence of heteromultivalency on lectinâglycan binding behavior. Glycobiology 2019, 29, 397-408.
[10] Adam, G.; Delbruck, M. Reduction of dimensionality in biological diffusion processes. In Structural Chemistry and Molecular Biology; Rich, A., Davidson, N., Eds.; W.H. Freeman and Co.: San Francisco, 1968, 198-215.
[11] Wu, H.-J.; Henzie, J.; Lin, W.C.; Rhodes, C.; Li, Z.; Sartorel, E.; Thorner, J.; Yang, P.; Groves, J.T. Membraneâprotein binding measured with solution - phase plasmonic nanocube sensors. Nature Methods 2012, 9, 1189-1191.