2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting

(646d) Dual Chamber and Membrane Embedded Continuous Microfluidic Device for MOFs Screening


Kelkar, M., Abbvie
Nere, N., AbbVie Inc.
Singh, M., University of Illinois At Chicago
Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) are a class of three-dimensional materials comprised of organic and inorganic building unit cells. The self-assembly of metal ions and organic linker through coordinate bonds results in synthesis of infinite and diverse micro-porous structures. High porosity and ultra-high surface to volume ratio of MOFs along with their fascinating chemical and design flexibility have prompt to numerous applications. Despite of the ubiquitous applications of MOFs, great challenges still exist for developing a relatively cheap, safe and readily scalable process that is sought after by industries. Here we have developed a continuous-flow synthesis of MOFs by modifying the design of the previously developed microfluidic mixer to accommodate for the separated nucleation and growth chambers to induce synthesis of the uniform nanosized particles at constant supersaturation. Both chambers have identical designs, yet the growth chamber has a membrane that separates inlets and outlets. Nucleation chamber is initially filled with premixed solutions of the aqueous solutions of the metal ligand and organic ligand while keeping its outlet open. After running the system for few minutes to ensure all the air has been moved out and system is filled with the solution, the outlet is closed, and circulation is started. Using an optical system, the nucleation of the crystals can be observed within the nucleation chamber. By that time, outlet is opened, and nucleated crystals will move to the growth chamber. Crystals growing in the growth chamber are kept inside and extracted for the further analysis. Using this microfluidic platform, parametric screening is performed and the effect of the ratio of metal ligand to the organic linker on the morphology, growth rate and yield of the synthesized MOFs are measured.