2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting
(637h) Characterizing Ion Transport in Non-Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions for Li Metal and Li-Ion Batteries
In this work, we will discuss efforts to understand and address these challenges. We rigorously measured liquid electrolyte transport properties, including ideal solution t+, total salt diffusion coefficients, activity coefficients, and the true t+ under battery-relevant conditions using Newmanâs concentrated solution theory framework. While our long-term objective is to characterize polyelectrolyte solutions, we initially attempt to develop the methodology on the well-studied liquid electrolyte system of LiPF6 in an ethylene carbonate:ethyl methyl carbonate blend. Using rigorous statistical analysis and propagation of error methods, we found that transport coefficients obtained via these measurements were consistently not in agreement with those reported in the literature. We believe the discrepancy can largely be attributed to parasitic corrosion reactions at the lithium electrodes, which appear to dominate at the low current densities necessary to maintain sufficiently small concentration gradients. Additional studies incorporating stabilizing additives indicate that simply improving Li stripping/plating coulombic efficiency does not allow for accurate transport coefficient measurements. This reveals a major roadblock in characterizing liquid electrolyte systems, as methods that rely on Li metal stripping/plating do not readily result in reliable liquid electrolyte transport coefficients, unlike similar methods for polymer electrolytes. These results have important implications for the electrolyte engineering field that often relies on similar tests to screen electrolyte candidates.