2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting
(602b) Powder Fluidization in Dry Powder Inhalers
We study, by means of Computational Fluid Dynamics - Discrete Element Method (CFD-DEM) simulations, the fluidization of carrier particles in turbulent channel flows, comparing the particles evacuation times obtained numerically with the experimental results of Mahmoudi et al. [6]. After this validation study, we examine the effect of device geometry on carrier particle evacuation dynamics. Subsequently, we perform DPI simulations with a representative dose containing both carrier and API particles to probe the effect of device geometry on FPF.
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[4] M.S. Coates, H.K. Chan, D.F. Fletcher, et al., Influence of air flow on the performance of a dry powder inhaler using computational and experimental analyses, Pharm. Res. 22 (2005) 1445â1453.
[5] M.S. Coates, H.K. Chan, D.F. Fletcher, et al., Effect of design on the performance of a dry powder inhaler using computational fluid dynamics. Part 2: Air inlet size, J. Pharm. Sci. 95 (2006) 1382â1392.
[6] Mahmoudi, S., Elserfy, K., Cheng, S., Chan, H. K., Hebbink, G., & Kourmatzis, A. (2019). Fluidisation characteristics of lactose powders in simple turbulent channel flows. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 103, 201-213