2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting
(524g) Simulation Based Design of Polymeric Membranes with Biomimetic Water Channel
In this work, we simulated polybutadiene-polyethylene oxide (PB-PEO) bilayers containing Peptide-appended pillar[5]arene (PAP5) channels. PAP5 channels are a biomimetic alternative to aquaporin embedded lipid membranes. Synthetic pore molecules and polymer bilayers are more physiochemically stable than pore proteins and biological membranes, promising greater ease of synthesis and scalability.
With a rigid pore dimension of ~5 Ã
and terminal carboxylate group, PAP[5] channels have high water permeability combined with excellent selectivity. In our simulations, we systematically varied the PB-PEO surfactant structure to maximize water mobility, while also noting the effect of surfactant design on the membrane.
We measured water diffusivity in our designs and compared our values to those inferred from experimental membrane permeability. In our best design, we obtained a water diffusivity of 30.38 ± 0.19 x 108 cm2 s-1 in the pore. To further analyze and describe our simulation results for water mobility in the pore, we devised a novel analysis method, describing the entrances and exits of water molecules from the pore channel to a kinetic model.