Placha, M., University of Chemistry and Technology Prague
Pecinka, R., University of Chemistry and Technology Prague
Koci, P., University of Chemistry and Technology Prague
Traditionally, a so-called 1D+1D model is used to describe catalytic monolith ï¬lter for automotive exhaust gas aftertreatment. This model assumes 1D ï¬ow along the ï¬lter channels and 1D ï¬ow, diï¬usion and reaction across the ï¬lter wall. A micro-scale 3D model was recently developed to calculate detailed ï¬ow, diï¬usion and reaction inside pores of the ï¬lter wall. This model utilizes realistic 3D structure of porous medium including washcoat distribution. The structure is obtained from X-ray microtomography. Resulting 3D proï¬les are averaged and eï¬ective properties of the wall are evaluated (permeability, ï¬ltration eï¬iciency). These eï¬ective parameters are applied as input parameters for the overall 1D+1D model. The catalytic reactions occur only in coated zones inside large macropores of the wall. The catalytic sites inside the coated domains are reachable only via diï¬usion, which is a slow transport mechanism that may limit the achieved conversion.
To describe possible diï¬usion limitation and its impact on reactant conversion in the 1D+1D model, a modiï¬ed concept of eï¬ectiveness factor has been developed, η = robs/r, where robs is observed reaction rate and r is reaction rate without any diï¬usion limitation. The eï¬ectiveness factor is estimated using Thiele modulus that depends on eï¬ective diï¬usion length, reaction rate constant and diï¬usivity of key reactant. To evaluate the eï¬ective diï¬usion length which characterizes the in-wall coating distribution, the 3D micro-scale simulation is performed and spatially averaged 1D concentration proï¬le over the wall is obtained. Then, the value of the characteristic diï¬usion length in the 1D+1D model is ï¬tted to match this proï¬le (ï¬gure). To validate this approach, Thiele moduli and eï¬ectiveness factors of CO oxidation are calculated for several diï¬erent wall structures of real catalytic particulate ï¬lters under various operating conditions. This study also compares the relations between Thiele modulus and eï¬ectiveness factor for pseudo-ï¬rst order and LangmuirâHinshelwood kinetics.