2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting
(490g) Experimental and Theoretical Screening of Transition Metal Catalysts for Electrochemical Reduction of Nitrates to Ammonia
Direct electrochemical reduction of dinitrogen would be ideal, but it suffers from mass transfer limitations (low solubility of N2) and the competing H2 evolution reaction. Both of them contribute to low Faradaic efficiency and low Yield of NH3. The shortcomings of the electrochemical reduction of N2 to NH3 can be avoided in electrochemical reduction of nitrates to NH3. Metal nitrates can be made by the oxidation of metallic oxides in the presence of NO2. NO2 can be obtained by the heterogeneous combustion of nitrogen in the excess of air at high temperatures, or by the electrochemical oxidation of nitrogen.
Transition metal catalysts are ideal for electrochemical reduction of nitrates to ammonia. In this study, we perform a theoretical and experimental screening of catalysts to identify the best electrocatalyst for the reduction of nitrates to ammonia. The catalysts considered for the study are Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, Fe, Mn, Cr, V, Ti, Ir, Pt, Au, Ag and Zr. The metrics used for the assessment are the Faradaic Efficiency and Yield of NH3. NH3 is quantified by UV-Visible spectroscopy using Indophenol method and Nesslerâs reagent method. Rigorous control studies have been performed to avoid the error in quantification of NH3 from some contamination sources. DFT studies are performed to predict the binding energies of nitrate ions on various transition metals and the reaction mechanism on various catalyst surfaces are studied.