2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting
(399d) Development of Condition Monitoring and Prognostic Capabilities for a Vanadium Redox Flow Battery
A first-principle non-isothermal model[2] is developed based on the physical processes and electro-chemical reactions taking place inside a cell to capture the dynamics of the model. This model is based on momentum and mass transfer, ion conservation, and energy transport phenomena. This is combined with a kinetic model for electro-chemical reactions involving vanadium species. Bubble formation due to the gas evolving reactions at the positive and negative electrodes is included to account for the effect of momentum transfer between gas and liquid phases and also the reduction in liquid volume. Heat generation due to activation losses, electrochemical reaction, and Ohmic resistance is modeled. Water transport through the membrane is also modeled. Due to the different diffusion coefficients of the vanadium species, their cross-over causes capacity decay. In addition, the gas evolving reactions are modeled. These reactions lead to an imbalance in the SOC leading to capacity loss.
A model-based approach is developed for condition monitoring and prognosis. The detailed first-principles model is computationally intractable for prognosis. Thus, an adaptive neural network (NN) model-based approach is developed to estimate SOC and capacity fade. Given the current state and quantified uncertainty in the NN model and model parameters, the probability density function (PDF) for the RUL is calculated. The PDF for the RUL is conditional and is updated at discrete time intervals taking into consideration the accumulated damage and expected future operating profile.
- Tang, Ao, Bao, Jie, and Maria Skyllas-Kazacos, âDynamic modelling of the effects of ion diffusion and side reactions on the capacity loss for vanadium redox flow batteryâ, Journal of Power Sources 196 (2011) 10737â 10747.
- Hassan Al-Fetlawi. âModelling and Simulation of All-Vanadium Redox Flow Batteriesâ. Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southampton. November 2010.