2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting
(342h) Optimization of Multi-Product Multi-Purpose Batch Plants Using Meta-Heuristic Genetic Algorithms
Meta-heuristic algorithms, such as genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, and tabu search, have been recognized as practical potential approaches to solving these large combinatorial optimization problems. While these methods do not guarantee optimality and are highly non-deterministic in nature, their strong ability to outperform mathematical programming approaches in large complex problems has been showcased several times [10], [11]. However, limited work has been done to address variable batch sizes in multi-product, multi-purpose (MPMP) batch plants.
In this paper, we present a genetic algorithm (GA) based meta-heuristic approach to optimize the production schedules of MPMP batch plants over a given time horizon. A unique chromosome structure is adopted to encode unit allocations, variable batch sizes and continuous time intervals. A dynamic penalization function is used to guide a broad and greedy search during the earlier iterations, transitioning into deep search to produce high quality feasible schedules. When the population of chromosomes are similar, or when the fitness function does not improve with time, the population size is also dynamically increased during runtime to generate more chromosomes to enable search in new solution neighborhoods. This allows for a larger search space while rationalizing the utilization of the given computational time. Our novel GA approach is validated against small-scale benchmark problems commonly used in the exact optimization literature, where we demonstrate its ability to produce optimal solutions within a reasonable time. Furthermore, we generated a collection of new, large-scale state-task-network data sets, which we employed to highlight the algorithmâs performance in optimizing industrially-relevant instances.
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