2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting
(341e) Sustainable Crop Scheduling: Economics, Environmental and Occupational Health Aspects
Ponce, J. M. - Presenter, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
Cervantes-Gaxiola, M. E., Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
Hernández-Calderón, O. M., Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
Ortiz-del-Castillo, J. R., Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
Nuñez Lopez, J. M., Universidad Michoacana De San Nicolás De Hidalgo
Rubio-Castro, E., Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
In this work a multiobjective optimization model for the sustainable crop scheduling is proposed. The model considers environmental, economic and social aspects. And it is represented like a multi-period mixer integer non-linear programming, which is based in two superstructures that considers all interest configurations for the crop allocation into a certain number of parcels and to the use, reuse and regeneration of water and fertilizers. Specifically, the environmental impact is evaluated from the Eco-indicator 95 [1] and the water footprint and the social impact is addressed through the occupational health; while the economic aspect is defined by the annual profit. Here, the environmental impact includes the global warming, aquifer eutrophication, soil acidification, blue footprint, green footprint and gray footprint. And the profit is defined by the incomes owing to the crop sales minus the operating and capital costs associated to fresh sources and process equipment. Finally, the occupational health is determined by the process route health index (PRHI) [2] which is an adaptation of PRHI employed in the chemical industry and it is related to each crop considering the chemical and physical risks. The objective function consists in maximizing the profit and minimize both the environmental impact as well as the occupational health. The model was coded in the platform GAMS [3] and one case of study with data and operational data from Sinaloa State of Mexico was solved.
[1] Brentrup, F, Küsters, J, Lammel, J, Kuhlmann, H. (2001). Methods to estimate on-field nitrogen emissions from crop production as an input to LCA studies in the agricultural sector. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 5(6), 349-357.
[2] Hassim, MH, Edwards, DW. (2006). Development of a methodology for assessing inherent occupational health hazards. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 84 (5), 378â390.
[3] Brooke, A, Kendrick, D, Meeraus, A. (2014). GAMS: A Userâs Guide. Redwood City, CA: The Scientific Press.