2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting
(338f) Tools for Easy, Fast and Accurate Quantitative Characterization of the Methanotroph-Photoautotroph Coculture
In our previous work, using the principles that drive the natural consortia [1-3], we have assembled several synthetic methanotroph-photoautotroph cocultures that exhibit stable growth under various substrate delivery and illumination regimes [4]. In order to develop coculture-based biotechnology for commercial biogas conversion, one of the key challenges is how to accurately characterize the function and composition of each species in the coculture. In this work we developed an experimental-computational protocol to deliver easy, fast and accurate quantitative characterization of various synthetic methanotroph-microalgae cocultures. Besides determining the individual biomass concentration of each organism in the coculture, the developed protocol can also obtain the individual consumption and production rates of O2 and CO2 for each strain (Figure 1 (a)). The accuracy and effectiveness of the developed protocol is demonstrated using two coculture pairs, one pair is Methylomicrobium alcaliphilum 20ZR (methanotroph) - Synechococcus sp. PCC7002 (cyanobacterium) which prefer high salt high pH medium, another pair is Methylococcus capsulatus (methanotroph) - Chlorella sorokiniana (microalgae) which prefer low/no salt and neutral pH medium. The individual biomass concentrations for each strain obtained from the developed protocol were compared with that obtained from cell counting using flow cytometry. As shown in Figure 1 (b), the developed protocol delivers better accuracy in individual biomass concentration than the cell counting method, and doesnât require any special equipment.
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