With the dramatic increase in the annual growth of greenhouse gases over the last 50 years, CO2 separations have become a critical component in climate change mitigation strategies. While many adsorbents show promising results, diamine-appended metalâorganic frameworks (MOFs) stand out due to their large CO2 uptake/removal capacity and low regeneration energies. One problem facing these frameworks, preventing their applications at large scales is their lack of tunability for their adsorption thermodynamics. Although the employment of different metals and diamines in these frameworks do alter the adsorption thermodynamics, they do not allow for continuous tuning that might be required for targeting particular gas streams. Here, we employ the use of mixed-metal metalâorganic frameworks in the well-known e-2-M2(dobpdc) framework (e-2 = N-ethylethylenediamine; M = Mg, Ni; dobpdc4- = 4,4â-dioxidobiphenyl-3,3â-dicarboxylate) in the hopes of tuning the CO2 adsorption step over a range of temperatures under isobaric conditions. This study also aims to understand the distribution of metals in the NixMg(2-x)(dobpdc) framework and any differences in the previously reported cooperative adsorption mechanism for the e-2-Mg2(dobpdc) MOF via solid-state NMR.
Solid-state magic angle spinning NMR results on the non-diamine appended, 13CO2-dosed M2(dobpdc) MOF suggests that the distribution of metals is roughly homogeneous on the scale of hundreds of nanometers. Additionally, ICP-OES analysis of the synthesized NixMg(2-x)(dobpdc) MOF suggests that there is little to no preferential incorporation of one metal over the other. NMR results for the diamine-appended, 13CO2-dosed e-2-NixMg(2-x)(dobpdc) MOF indicates that the adsorption mechanism is slightly altered in the mixed-metal framework. Finally, thermogravimetric analysis revealed that fine tuning of the adsorption temperatures for varying ratios of metal in the NixMg(2-x)(dobpdc) MOF is feasible and might be applicable for a variety of other metals. Our work thus opens the door for the preparation of designer mixed-metal MOF adsorbents for a wide range of CO2 separations.
Acknowledgement â This work was supported by the College of Chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley under the supervision of Alexander C. Forse and Jeffrey A. Reimer.