2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting
(272a) TEA of the Production of Advanced Marine Biofuels through HTL of Sewage Sludge
Being sewage sludge a residual and relatively high available waste feedstock, it has the potential to overcome the scalability issues of currently available biofuels in the marine market such as HVO and FAME. Sewage sludge valorization through HTL for the production of biofuels has been proved and recently realized with the development of several demonstration projects in USA and Canada, being interesting to study its implementation in the marine sector in which fuel specifications are typically less demanding to accomplish compared to aviation and road.
In this context, the process proposed in this work is a case study that comprises a distributed configuration of HTL regional plants with centralized upgrading in the Port of Rotterdam in The Netherlands. This location is considered strategic due to the infrastructure for utilities and hydrogen supply in connection with the existing refinery, the direct access for biofuel bunkering in the Port, and the relatively short distances in the Netherlands that decrease the transportation costs in the distributed scheme evaluated.
The process is modeled based solely on experimental data available for the HTL and upgraded fuels, contrasting key properties with the marine fuel specifications, and using Aspen Plus V9® to evaluate the technical and economic performance of the process and estimate the minimum fuel selling price (MFSP).