2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting
(270a) Reactive Imbibition of Acidic Hydraulic Fracture Fluids into Unconventional Shales
Here we report unique experimental observations of fluid transport in shales by tracking the rate and extent of imbibition of a bromide tracer in acidic HFFs using synchrotron X-ray fluorescence mapping combined with compositional analysis of the bulk fluid. This approach yields a direct record of time-resolved selective ion diffusion resulting from the penetration of HFFs and attendant mineral transformations. Our experiments highlight for the first time that the penetration of acidic HFFs and the dissolution calcite occur at similar rates in carbonate-bearing shales, suggesting that porosity increases rapidly during imbibition of HFFs and thus promotes fluid penetration. We also show that the variability in mineralogy and chemical reactivity of shales can directly affect reactive imbibition. For example, the presence of major carbonates in the shale matrix reduces reactive imbibition of acidic HFFs due to a rapid neutralization of pH and inhibits fluid penetration. We also found that the presence of Ba in HFFs significantly retards reactive imbibition of acidic HFFs due to rapid precipitation of Ba-bearing minerals, which reduces pososity at the fluid-rock interface. Finally, we show the importance of high ionic strength solutions, similar to produced waters, on the release of colloids and the impact of colloids on ion diffusivity. The main finding from these experimental studies is that the chemical reactivity of unconventional shales regulates the extent and rate of imbibition of HFFs into the shale matrix.