2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting

(117c) Characterization of Human Blood with Sequence of Physical Phenomena and Thixo-Elasto-Visco-Plastic Modeling


Corrigan, T. - Presenter, United States Military Academy
Armstrong, M., United States Military Academy
Horner, J. S., University of Delaware
Human blood is an excellent example of a thixotropic, shear-thinning, viscoelastic material. An underdeveloped area of study is analyzing mechanical measurements of blood for use in clinical diagnoses, particularly under transient conditions. Using the unique transient rheological signature of a blood sample and with additional data for pathological blood rheology, there is a possibility that blood rheology measurements could be used as a method of diagnosis and/or differentiation. Rather than focusing on traditional stead state experiments, transient experiments such as Small and Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear (LAOS) and hysteresis curves are utilized to explore the elastic and viscous of blood. The results of these tests are visualized by blood “mechanical contours” that have the advantage of depicting the evolving structure of the material over a wide range of flow conditions. These mechanical fingerprints contribute to testing both the accuracy and robustness of mathematical models used to characterize blood rheological behavior. We will show the traditional discrete Fourier transform, and Chebychev to analyze the data, as well as a more recent method, called Sequence of Physical Processes (SPP). These analysis protocols can be applied to all oscillatory shear flow. SPP will be used for the triangle ramp experiments. This method is advantageous because it allows for the analysis of any form of transient flow curve, rather than being restricted to sinusoidal functions [1-9].

We will demonstrate the unique ability of recently published thixotropic models to predict the microstructure of human blood and use SPP analysis techniques to show the correlation of the predicted microstructure to the elastic and viscous signatures as elucidated by the Sequence of Physical Phenomena. Following this, we characterize blood using published blood rheology models and begin to investigate the effect of pathologies on blood through a parametric analysis. To bring rheology closer to a clinical method to study human blood, a tool used to conduct in-depth investigations of rheological models is necessary to promote the refinement of models and the search for all-encompassing models that can perform under multiple types of experiments [1-9].


[1] Apostolidis et al. J. Rheol. (2015).

[2] S. Rogers. Rheol. Acta. (2017). DOI 10.1007/s00397-017-1008-1.

[3] Ewoldt, R. and G.H. McKinley. Rheol. Acta. (2017).

[4] M. J. Armstrong, A. N. Beris, S. Rogers, N. J. Wagner,J. Rheol. 60, 433 (2016).

[5] M. J. Armstrong, A. N. Beris, N. J. Wagner, AIChE Journal (2016).

[6] C.J. Dimitriou, R.H. Ewoldt and G.H. McKinley. J. Rheol. 571(1), 27-70.

[7] Horner et al. J. Rheol.62(2), (2018) 577-591.

[8] Horner et al. J. Rheol. (2019).

[9] Moreno et al. (2015).