2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting
(101d) Unraveling and Exploiting Complex Structures in Optimization Using Algebraic Graphs
Graphs provide a flexible modeling paradigm to analyze complex structures of optimization problems and to exploit such structures to perform model processing and visualization tasks [16,17,18]. This talk introduces the notion of an algebraic graph, which is a modeling abstraction of optimization problems that facilitates the scalable implementation, decomposition, and solution of complex problems [19]. In an algebraic graph, optimization models live over nodes containing local variables and constraints and are connected through edges by means of linking (or hyper) constraints which allows for systematic creation of distributed and hierarchical optimization structures. The algebraic graph enables diverse partitioning tasks such as community detection and hypergraph partitioning [20,21], which can be combined with interfaces to employ state-of-the art algorithms and to develop new algorithms that exploit graph properties [22,23].
We demonstrate the advantages of the algebraic graph within the Julia-based framework Plasmo.jl. Here, we show how these capabilities enable the decomposition of large-scale natural gas planning problems [24]. Specifically, we show that our framework reveals non-obvious space-time structures that can be exploited to gain physical insights on the problem and to accelerate computations. The structures are revealed by using a hypergraph partitioning strategy and we show how we can obtain efficient partitions that mitigate load-imbalancing issues. We also show how algebraic graphs facilitate the development of overlapping Schwarz decomposition algorithms. Specifically, we show how to use partitioning, node neighborhood expansion, and node aggregation functions within Schwarz schemes to tackle challenging problems arising in energy networks and model predictive control [25].
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