2019 AIChE Annual Meeting

Session: Bionanotechnology Graduate Student Award Session II

This session honors graduate students whose research achievements, in bionanotechnology, demonstrate a high level of excellence. Finalists will be selected from the abstract submissions to present in this session. A panel of judges will determine 1st-3rd place awards. (Awards are available for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ($150, $100, and $50 checks)). To be eligible for participation, the following criteria must be met: (1) Abstract submitted to one of the area 22B sessions. (2) Same abstract from (1) also submitted to this session. The title must be edited to begin with "Award Submission:" (3) The applicant must be the 1st author on the presentation abstract. (4) The applicant must at least be in their third year of graduate studies or have one previously published peer-reviewed original research article as the first author. (5) By April 18, 2019, an application packet must be submitted via e-mail to Prof. Catherine Fromen (cfromen@udel.edu), and include the following information: a) Curriculum Vitae b) 2 letters of recommendation (1 from the PhD advisor). The letters should be e-mailed directly by the letter writer (pdf preferred). c) 1 referred research publication (published or in press) where the presenter is the 1st author (pdf), if applicable.


Leon, L., University of Central Florida


Fromen, C., University of Delaware