2019 AIChE Annual Meeting
(6u) Multiscale Dynamics in Biological Soft Matter and Polymeric Fluids
Research Interests:
The overarching theme of my research is to utilize numerical simulations in conjunction with experiments and direct visualization of soft matter dynamics for a bevy of engineering and biological applications. These applications extend beyond simply academic interest and concern human health, bioengineering, and rational design of industrially critical materials.
The platforms that I have developed for my investigations include computational mechanics of complex non-Newtonian fluids and deformable objects (immersed boundary method) and molecular stochastic simulation of polymeric solutions. I exploit high-performance-computing (HPC) and massive large-scale parallelism to accelerate the numerical simulations which are otherwise intractable. Graphical processing units (GPUs) and message passing interface (MPI) are the two computational tools to facilitate parallel computing that I have been using extensively.
A major part of my graduate and postdoctoral research has involved experimental investigation, either directly or through collaboration. In my postdoctoral research, I have been conducting microfluidic experiments and automatic image analysis for quantification of red blood cell biomechanics. In my graduate research, I have studied the dynamics of single comb DNA macromolecules in cross-slot microfluidic hydrodynamic trap and also used linear and nonlinear viscoelastic measurements for characterizing rheological properties of polymer melts.
Research Experience:
Designing Microfluidic Medical Assays
(most recent Postdoctoral research advised by Eric S. G. Shaqfeh for the computational part and Juan Santiago for the experimental part. The project is in collaboration with Stanford Genome Technology Center)
Collective Dynamics of Red Blood Cells (RBCs) in Micro-vasculature
(Postdoctoral research advised by Eric S. G. Shaqfeh)
Transport of Architecturally Complex Macromolecules in Dilute and Semi-dilute Polymeric Solutions
(PhD research advised by Bamin Khomami in collaboration with Charles M. Schroeder)
Teaching Interests:
Teaching and mentoring younger students are part of my motive to continue working in academia. Throughout my graduate and postdoctoral research, I had the privilege to mentor/supervise four undergraduate students and help them develop the required research skills.
I am interested in teaching courses in the chemical and mechanical engineering syllabi in graduate and undergraduate levels. In particular, fluid and continuum mechanics as applied to medicine/biology, applied numerical methods applied in computational fluid dynamics of soft matter and deformable objects and stochastic simulation of polymers, all of which fit well with my background. I also enjoy teaching many of the undergrad level courses, namely, introductory or advanced fluid mechanics, and finite element method. I am open to accept other topics and not afraid of taking over courses that are not in my area of expertise.
Teaching Experience:
- "Numerical Analysis and Linear Algebra" for the 2017 AHPCRC (army high-performance-computing research center) summer institute.
- Co-thought graduate level core course "Transport Phenomena" (I also served as a teaching assistant for this course for two consecutive semesters).
- "Plastic engineering and polymer processing" (I prepared undergraduate students for graduate level national entrance exam)
- Meshing software "Fluent" and "Gambit" for two semesters (practical numerical skills as well as engineering problems)
Selected Awards and Successful Proposals:
- July 2017 -- NVIDIA-Stanford ICME grant for leveraging GPU computing ($50,000)
- Apr 2019-present -- NSF's XSEDE computational resources (Allocation of computational time equal to â¼$40,000)
- Aug 2018-present -- Open Medicine Foundation (OMF) Postdoctoral Scholarship
- Feb 2017-Aug 2018 -- Army High-Performance Computing Research Center (AHPCRC) Postdoctoral Scholarship
- Feb 2014-Aug 2016 -- Eastman graduate student fellowship from Eastman Chemical Company
Selected Publications:
- A. Saadat, C. J. Guido, E. S. G. Shaqfeh, Effect of cytoplasmic viscosity on Red blood cell migration in small arteriole-level confinements, bioarxiv preprint (submitted to Phys. Rev. Fluids Rapid Communications), 2019.
- A. Saadat*, C. J. Guido*, G. Iaccarino, E. S. G. Shaqfeh, Immersed-finite-element method for deformable particle suspensions in viscous and viscoelastic media, Phys. Rev. E, 2018, 98, 063316.
- J. Mai*, A. Saadat*, B. Khomami, C. M. Schroeder, Stretching Dynamics of Single Comb Polymers in Extensional Flow, Macromolecules, 2018, 51, 1507.
- Y. Lin*, A. Saadat*, A. Kushwaha, E. S. G. Shaqfeh, Effect of Length on the Dynamics of Wall Tethered Polymers in Shear Flow, Macromolecules, 2017, 51, 254.
- A. Saadat, B. Khomami, Letter to the Editor: BDpack, an Open Source Parallel Brownian Dynamics Simulation Package. Journal of Rheology, 2017, 61, 147-149.
- A. Saadat, B. Khomami, A New Bead-Spring Model for Simulation of Semi-Flexible Macromolecules. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2016, 145, 204902.
- A. Saadat, B. Khomami, Matrix-Free Brownian Dynamics Simulation Technique for Semidilute Polymeric Solutions. Physical Review E, 2015, 92, 033307.
- A. Saadat, B. Khomami, Molecular Based Prediction of the Extensional Rheology of High Molecular Weight Polystyrene Dilute Solutions: A High-Fidelity Brownian Dynamics Approach. Journal of Rheology, 2015, 59, 1507-1525.
- A. Saadat, B. Khomami, Computationally Efficient Algorithms for Incorporation of Hydrodynamic and Excluded Volume Interactions in Brownian Dynamics Simulations: A Comparative Study of the Krylov Subspace and Chebyshev Based Techniques. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2014, 140, 184903.
- A. Saadat, H. Nazockdast, F. Sepehr, M. Mehranpour, Linear and Nonlinear Melt Rheology and Extrudate Swell of Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene and Organoclay-Filled Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene Nanocomposite. Polymer Engineering & Science, 2010, 50, 2340-2349.
- A. Saadat, H. Nazockdast, F. Sepehr, M. Mehranpour, Viscoelastic Modeling of Extrudate Swell of Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene/Clay Nanocomposite. Applied Rheology, 2013, 23, 12131.