2019 AIChE Annual Meeting
(621h) Computing Subgradients of Bivariate Functions for Nonsmooth Optimization
This presentation describes a new method for computing subgradients for functions of two variables under minimal assumptions, by making strategic use of directional derivatives, for use in overarching optimization methods. If the function is convex, then a subgradient is computed in the usual sense; if the function is nonconvex, then an element of Clarkeâs generalized gradient [1] is computed instead. The two-variable requirement will be clarified through a counterexample; while this assumption is restrictive, the overall result is nevertheless useful and surprisingly versatile. Examples will be presented where no other existing method for subgradient computation applies. Applications will also be presented to subgradients of Tsoukalas-Mitsos relaxations [2] of functions of more than two variables, for use in deterministic methods for global optimization.
[1] F.H. Clarke, Optimization and Nonsmooth Analysis, SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 1990.
[2] A. Tsoukalas and A. Mitsos, Multivariate McCormick relaxations, J. Glob. Optim., 59:633-662, 2014.