2019 AIChE Annual Meeting
(501a) Bringing Particle Scale Properties into Descriptions of Energetic Powder Behavior Via the Enhanced Centrifuge Technique
This work focuses on developing an experimental and modeling framework that maps particle-scale properties onto experimentally-validated âeffectiveâ Hamaker constant distributions that describe van der Waals adhesion forces between particles in powders of energetic material. These distributions represent an engineering approach that allows powders comprised of particles of complex shape and roughness, which are challenging to model, to be described as if they were perfect, smooth spheres, which are comparatively simple to model. The complexity associated with the shape and size distributions of the individual particles is captured by the effective Hamaker constants5. This prior work is extended here to measure the adhesion force distribution of explosive powders against different surfaces and to characterize the explosive powder behavior. The resulting size-dependent âeffectiveâ Hamaker constant distributions guide the selection of binders, surfaces, and excipient materials used in explosives and propellants.
(1) Yu, H. A.; Becker, T.; Nic Daeid, N.; Lewis, S. W. Fundamental Studies of the Adhesion of Explosives to Textile and Non-Textile Surfaces. Forensic Sci. Int. 2017.
(2) Chaffee-Cipich, M. N.; Sturtevant, B. D.; Beaudoin, S. P. Adhesion of Explosives. Anal. Chem. 2013.
(3) Litster, Jim Ennis, Bryan Liu, L. The Science and Engineering of Granulation Processes. 2004.
(4) Walters, D. J.; Luscher, D. J.; Yeager, J. D.; Patterson, B. M. Cohesive Finite Element Modeling of the Delamination of HTPB Binder and HMX Crystals under Tensile Loading. Int. J. Mech. Sci. 2018.
(5) Thomas, M. C.; Beaudoin, S. P. An Enhanced Centrifuge-Based Approach to Powder Characterization: Experimental and Theoretical Determination of a Size-Dependent Effective Hamaker Constant Distribution. Powder Technol. 2017.