2019 AIChE Annual Meeting
(388f) Extreme Temperature Operation of Ultra-Wide Bandgap AlGaN Polarization-Doped Field Effect Transistors
Carey, P. IV - Presenter, University of Florida
Ren, F., University of Florida
Armstrong, A., Sandia National Laboratories
Klein, B., Sandia National Laboratories
Allerman, A., Sandia National Laboratories
Douglas, E., Sandia National Laboratories
Baca, A., Sandia National Laboratories
Pearton, S., University of Florida
Ultra-wide bandgap semiconductors provide an attractive future for power electronics due to the ability to withstand high power densities and withstand high critical electric fields. Polarization-doped field effect transistors (POLFETs) were fabricated with an unintentionally doped AlxGa1-xN channel layer graded from Aluminum compositions of 0.7 to 0.85 with planar Ohmic contacts to the Al0.85Ga0.15N surface. DC and pulsed characterization were performed from room temperature to 500°C in ambient. DC current-voltage characteristics demonstrated only a 70% reduction in On-state current from 25 to 500°C and the full ability to modulate current via the gate at all temperatures. Ideal switching characteristics via gate lag were realized across the entirety of the temperature range. The ability for operation at high temperature is enabled by an unpinned Ni/Au Schottky gate contact, such that the barrier height increases with temperature from 2.05 eV to 2.76 eV at 25 and 500°C, respectively. The high barrier height lead to an excellent Ion/Ioff ratio of 1.5 × 109 at room temperature.