2019 AIChE Annual Meeting
(369e) Optimal Bayesian Experiment Design for Constrained Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Using Stochastic Surrogate Models
This work presents a Bayesian OED approach for nonlinear dynamic systems (possibly involving high-dimensional design spaces) subject to state chance constraints [6]. Due to the complicated form of the expected utility, it must be estimated using sample-based methods and, in particular, a nested Monte Carlo (MC) estimator that is very expensive to evaluate for the full dynamic model. Inspired by [7], we propose the use of a surrogate model to overcome the challenge of repeatedly evaluating the expected utility and its gradients within numerical optimization. The proposed surrogate modeling approach is based on recently developed arbitrary polynomial chaos (aPC) theory [8,9]. Not only does aPC apply to arbitrary parameter distributions (e.g., correlated or multi-modal distributions), but we show how the expansion can be locally constructed around each design visited during the optimization procedure from a minimal set of model evaluations, which enables a simple way to tradeoff accuracy and computational cost. We also demonstrate how chance constraints can be incorporated into the optimization problem using the aPC-based surrogate model. A key feature of our Bayesian OED method is that it can be directly implemented with state-of-the-art dynamic optimization methods (e.g., multiple shooting or collocation [10]) so that the underlying structure of the optimization can be exploited for efficiency in a similar manner to classical OED. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on a benchmark predator-prey problem. Simulation results show that we can significantly lower the computational cost of Bayesian OED compared to the approach in [7], while simultaneously improving the solution accuracy. In addition, we demonstrate that the cost due to the proposed chance constraint handling method is negligible compared to the main cost of estimating the expected utility.
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[6] J. A. Paulson, M. Martin-Casas, and A. Mesbah, âOptimal Bayesian experiment design for nonlinear dynamic systems with chance constraints,â Journal of Process Control, 2019 (in press).
[7] X. Huan and Y. Marzouk, âGradient based stochastic optimization methods in Bayesian experimental design,â International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, vol. 4, pp. 479â510, 2014.
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