2019 AIChE Annual Meeting
(336f) Large Scale Multiphase Flow Simulation for Techno-Economic Assessment of the Novel Internally Circulating Reactor for Energy Conversion with CO2 Capture
Amini, S. - Presenter, SINTEF
Khan, M., NTNU
Cloete, S., SINTEF Industry
Cloete, J. H., Norwegian University of Science and Technology
This work presents application of filtered Two Fluid Model (fTFM) for modelling of large scale fluidised beds in cost estimation and techno-economic assessment of a novel energy system in commercial scale. This energy system; internally circulating reactor, is based on chemical looping combustion (CLC) for energy conversion with integrated CO2 capture. The internally circulating reactor (ICR) has been developed at SINTEF and NTNU with high potential for scale-up. ICR simplifies the conventional chemical looping reactor configuration by combining the functionality of two reactors, cyclones, loop seals and solids transport lines into a single reactor unit. This is achieved by dividing the reactor into two sections, connected with specially designed ports for circulating the oxygen carrier particles between the two reactor sections. This reactor concept which has been successfully demonstrated in laboratory scale, promises to simplify the scale-up process, especially under pressurized conditions. To demonstrate the benefits of this concept in large scale, this study will conduct large scale reactor simulations for ICR using a recently published anisotropic filtered Two Fluid Model (fTFM) formulation. The fTFM is capable of providing reasonably accurate predictions of fluidized bed dynamics using the coarse computational grids required for industrial scale simulations within reasonable computational times. The costs estimation will be used in the techno-economic assessment of ICR concept in large scale.